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  • Writer's pictureLiverpool Spoonie


Updated: Jun 18, 2018

Living with a chronic illness can be incredibly hard to deal with and challenging at times. But fear not, you aren't the only one!

Here are a few things only us Spoonies will know


Being a Spoonie means you have to use your 'spoons' carefully and make choices every day with the limited energy you have.

You know you're a Spoonie when you have to choose between getting dressed or eating breakfast!

Read more about the spoon theory here.


Fatigue is so much more then just being tired. This is one of the hardest things to get across to healthy people as they cannot imagine the kind of fatigue we experience. It can often feel like having the flu, running a marathon and being hit by a bus. All in the same day. People also describe it as feeling constantly exhausted, heavy limbs and walking through quicksand.

You know you're a Spoonie when you have to rest after taking a shower!


Napping can soon become an essential part of your spoonie routine to help recharge a little bit of energy to function for the simplest of tasks and to possible relieve some symptoms.

You know you're a Spoonie when you need a nap after getting out of bed!

Brain Fog

Most people can have days where they're a bit forgetful but for some brain fog is a very real, problematic symptom that impacts their daily lives. Brain fog can cause people to struggle with things like; finding words, holding a conversation, thinking clearly, remembering things, mix up words/ phrases etc.

You know you're a Spoonie when you accidentally take your meds twice....

Or eat lunch twice as you forgot you already ate!

Or forget what you're saying half way through a conversation!

Weekend Plans

As a Spoonie your idea of weekend plans are usually not considered 'exciting' or 'fun' by other people, but to you it sure is!

You know you're a Spoonie when your favourite weekend plans consist of Netflix, bed, chocolate, blanket, pjs, cosy socks and your pet/ cuddly teddy. Its what Friday nights are meant for... if you're chronically ill. You probably also own more PJ's than actual clothes!


Spoonies tend to have a lot of meds to take on a daily basis to help relieve symptoms or combat their condition(s).

You know you're a Spoonie when you have enough medications to open your own chemist!

Unsolicited Medical Advice

Have you tried____?

My cousin's friend's aunt had that. She tried ______ and now she's cured!

If you just think positively, you'll feel better!

We've heard it all. Yes, we've tried yoga. No, I'm not better. That's not how it works, we really wish it was though! Our chronic illnesses cannot be cured by exercise, diet or the latest fitness craze that cured your yoga instructor's friend's niece.

You know you're a Spoonie when everyone around you suddenly becomes a doctor when they hear you have a chronic illness!

Unqualified Medical Specialist

Us Spoonies work tirelessly (or fatigued-ly) researching our conditions, treatments, medications, tracking new symptoms, self diagnosing, gaining supporting evidence, informing (some) doctors of our illnesses and keeping up to date with the latest medical news and advancements.

You know you're a Spoonie when your doctor confirms your self diagnosis... after reading all of your supporting evidence of course!

We are also often thought of as the first point of contact for medical advice with family & friends, as we do have a great knowledge of medical conditions and medications. You know exactly what that weird rash is on your cousins arm and what medications interact with your aunty's levothyroxine.

Being A Professional Patient

With having a chronic illness, often people have to work part time, make adjustments or give up work completely to become a professional patient. As a professional patient, you have a fantastic knowledge and experience of medical conditions, treatments/ therapies/ alternative medicine, medications, hospitals, doctors/ nurses/medical professionals, scheduling & attending appointments, researching your medical conditions in depth and keeping up with related news.

You know you're a Spoonie when your doctor insists you book double appointments from now on.

So those are all the things only spoonies know, let me know in the comments if I missed anything and what you thought!

Thanks for reading x

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