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  • Writer's pictureLiverpool Spoonie

Can You See M.E Now? | #MillionsMissing

Hello Spoonies,

On the 12th May 2018 M.E sufferers all around the world will come together to raise awareness, demand research and understanding of this debilitating illness.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a devastating, multi-system chronic illness with an array of symptoms such as: overwhelming fatigue, muscle weakness, pain, flu like symptoms, post exertional malaise, sleep problems, sensitivity of light, sound and smell, brain fog, feeling sick, dizziness, heart palpitations, IBS, food intolerances, week immune system, unrefreshing sleep, inflammation, loss of muscle power, muscle twitching, difficulty regulating temperature and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

M.E is different for every sufferer and can range from mild, moderate and severe.

In Liverpool the Millions Missing Campaign will take place on 12th May on Church Street by Primark from 11:30am-2pm. To attend the Millions Missing Campaign in Liverpool, please register here. Throughout and after the campaign, we will be posting on social media and using the hashtag #millionsmissing and #canyouseeMEnow, so please join in an follow along!

There will also be another Millions Missing campaign day on 14th May in Liverpool for the shoe display at St Georges hall. This is where all the shoes of the Millions Missing will be laid out for people to see just how many people are impacted by this illness and what their stories are.

Don't worry if you can't make the event, there is still a way you can get involved!

On the 12th May, M.E sufferers can help raise awareness though social media by having a pyjama party in the comfort of their own home! All you have to do is post a photo of you in your pjs and post to social media with the hashtag #MEPJParty. You can even ask friends and family to join in too! You can find out more here.

A big thank you to Alisha Whittam for organising these events in Liverpool! She also runs the Friends with ME facebook page and writes blogs too.

I am so excited to be taking part in and volunteering my photography services to such a global cause and I can't wait to see what comes of this! We have suffered far too long and it's about time we are taken seriously. We are the Millions Missing and we will be seen.

Come be seen with me and other Liverpool Spoonies on the 12th & 14th May!

Hope to see you there.

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